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CWP Training

If you have a concealed carry permit, and carry your weapon regularly, then drawing from concealment and making a split second decision whether to shoot or not, should be part of your regular training. That is why our simulator is so important to incorporate into your training regime. It is not to replace live fire practice, it is to enhance your decision making skills and finding your target under pressure. Not something you can do too easily at a live fire range.


Imagine all the potential scenarios when you might need to draw your weapon. It could be at a convenience store during a robbery or coming home to an empty house and your door is open. The range of scenarios is endless. Your decision making process needs to be precise as possible. Is the man with a gun an under cover officer? Is the person shooting a lawfully licensed concealed carry holder bearing his weapon down onto a perpetrator? Is the person pulling a weapon or a cell phone? These are just a few examples of how easy it could be to make the wrong decision.


Our system is for "judgemental use of force". The police and military use it because it is effective. Gain confidence carrying your weapon and in your heightened ability to decide when to use force. Making a mistake on the simulator is ok. Making a mistake in a real world scenario may be costly.


In addition to real world scenarios, we have numerous shooting drills for you to practice getting on target quickly and accurately. The drills have different distances, speeds, and difficulty.  We can challenge the best shooters.  We have very easy for the novice.




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